Equine Chiropractic
Yard visits offered throughout Kent

Equine Chiropractic restores correct movement and function of the musculoskeletal system using manipulation. The treatment is non-invasive, gentle and is readily accepted by most horses.
Massage, myofascial release, stretching and other soft tissues techniques are also utilised to provide a holistic, whole body treatment to your horse.
Typical signs that your horse may benefit from a session;​
Uneven strides or movement
Uneven wear of shoes
Sore or cold backs, uneven pressure from saddles or the saddle slipping to one side
Unexplained deterioration in usual performance
Asymmetry, such as stiffness on one rein, or a disunited canter
Unexplained resistances, such as napping, rearing, refusing, bucking, etc.
Uneven muscle development or atrophy

For horses with previous or current issues Veterinary permission is required in order to receive treatment. For all maintenance cases to healthy horses with no issues referral is not required.
£70 Initial Consultation
£60 Follow Up
(Subject to travel fee where required)
Contact Sarah Holmes on 07854 085263 to book in or discuss any problem you may be experiencing